Friday, January 29, 2010

Final Day :(

Throughout this internship I have learned a lot about myself, life, and Meals on Wheels Greater San Diego. I came having a background of volunteering here but in no way shape or form did expect to fall in love with this company as much as I have. Learning from different perspectives what it takes to be here and stay strong as a non profit, how to interact with different types of people, and getting a real sight into the work world. This experience has been life changing and I know it might sound a little cliché but I will always be here for Meals on Wheels Greater San Diego and can’t wait till June!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Internship Day 15

Me and my dog Charley

Evelynn and Charley

Me Evelynn and Charley

Lamont and Charley

Sleepy Charley

Evelyn and Charley

Internship Day 14


He is a very silly guy. I feel like he has become my "father figure" here. He gives me rides when i need them and any questions I have he always is here for me. I LOVE Patrick!

1. Why did you choose Meals-on-Wheels?

He said he worked with Debbie before at SAKS 5th Ave. She called him and let him know there was an opening. He likes the way she ran things when he worked for her before, so he jumped at the oppertunity.

2. How has this company impacted your life?

He said that he enjoys working for a company that gives back, such as Meals-on-Wheels. "It's very rewarding!"

3. Where were you before this job?

He worked at the child abuse prevention foundation for a year and before that he worked in retail for about 30 years. But is happy that everything led him here.

4. How has working for a non profit impacted your views on the work-world?

He said all the people he works with now are here to help the seniors not just because it's a job. He is very dedicated to helping as well. "this job makes me really happy"

5. Did you go to college? where?

Yes, he went to community college and than trasferred L.A. He majored in fashion merchindising. But said he doesn't miss it at all. He was in it for almost 30 years but has no regrets. He said it was time for change! "It's good to have change in life."

Internship Day 12

Part 1: Documenting collaboration

This is the other 2 interns and I, all in our Meals-On-Wheels shirts!

This is Lamont trying to kill me. He can't. sorry...

Part 2: Summary

In one day I usually see Lamont and Andrea, the other 2 interns. I see Michele and sometimes Debbie and Patrick. I go say to everybody though. Olitha and Pam down stairs and Sal the phone lady in the front. People indirectly affected by me is all of Meals-On-Wheels. Right now nobody can really see the work I am doing but come June everybody will be affected when our fundraiser brings in a lot of money!

Describe your direct collaboration with others—how does it go & how does it influence the work?
When I work with the other 2 interns, as you can tell we have fun and goof off, but when it comes down to it we all put in a lot of effort. I really enjoy it that way too because it's a comfortable work enviorment. The people who are indirectly affected by me I feel will be impressed when they see my POL and the fundraiser in June. The only thing I really don't like about this internship is that I feel it's hard to showcase what I do everyday.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Internship Day 11

This Week:
This week was a pretty good week. There was a few days where I didn't have a lot to do but overall it was an okay week. Brandon came to visit me, that was pretty cool. I think he was pretty impressed too. He's going to bring 3 sophmores to vivit on friday for my POL. I hope i get chill ones and not like hyper annoying ones, lol. Thursday and Friday were boring because we didn't really have anything to do. Monday will probably be boring boring too because tuesday is when we film and than the rest of the week we will be super busy. I'm excited to meet Evelynn. Were interviewing her for the video were making. Writing this was pretty easy, I guess because I write about my day everyday. Oh, another highlight of this week was Michele bout us muffins. THEY WERE SO SO GOOD! I've never tasted one like it, it was like heaven in my mouth....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship Day 10

These are the other 2 interns, Lamont and Andrea. I feel like we are growing togethor working here. This company has opened our eyes to the real world a lot! I wonder when I am older if Meals-On-Wheels will be bigger, I hope it is.

5 Questions:
1. When going to college where did you picture yourself?
2. (follow up) Now working here, do you have any regrets?
3. What would you say is the most important aspect of working here?
4. How does this job make you feel, when you go to sleep at night are you content?
5. why?

My Day:
Today I wanted to bring in donuts. Does anybody out there know how many donut stores have closed, SO MANY! 2 just by my house. I didn't bring donuts :( Today went by super slow! Not really a lot to do untill we get the footage and start editing for the video. We have a senior that agreed to be on camera and get interviewed for tuesday. Today was just a really boring day. :'(

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Internship Day 9

Im interviewing Michele, she is a lady I work for. I got to her before Debbie or Patrick. She's so funny and super sweet, she bought us muffins today! :)


Why did you choose meals on wheels, you have a masters and a bachleor degree?
What college did you go to?
Who has impacted you the most while working here?
When did you start working here?
How do you feel about the seniors and the work you do?

My Day:
Today Brandon came and visited me. It seemed like he was pretty impressed, which makes me super stoked! I showed him, Debbie, and Michele my story board and script. Michele actually bought us muffins today, I got chocolote... AMAZING. I scarfed that sucker down like no other. I almost slipped down the stairs today... -_- but I caught myself thankgod that would have humiating! Today was good I'm still waiting for Chris to email me back though. I hate this weather. I like the rain but I don't like being on like freakin tornado watch...

I LOVE the other 2 interns :)

About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
