Thursday, January 28, 2010

Internship Day 12

Part 1: Documenting collaboration

This is the other 2 interns and I, all in our Meals-On-Wheels shirts!

This is Lamont trying to kill me. He can't. sorry...

Part 2: Summary

In one day I usually see Lamont and Andrea, the other 2 interns. I see Michele and sometimes Debbie and Patrick. I go say to everybody though. Olitha and Pam down stairs and Sal the phone lady in the front. People indirectly affected by me is all of Meals-On-Wheels. Right now nobody can really see the work I am doing but come June everybody will be affected when our fundraiser brings in a lot of money!

Describe your direct collaboration with others—how does it go & how does it influence the work?
When I work with the other 2 interns, as you can tell we have fun and goof off, but when it comes down to it we all put in a lot of effort. I really enjoy it that way too because it's a comfortable work enviorment. The people who are indirectly affected by me I feel will be impressed when they see my POL and the fundraiser in June. The only thing I really don't like about this internship is that I feel it's hard to showcase what I do everyday.

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About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
