Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship Day 10

These are the other 2 interns, Lamont and Andrea. I feel like we are growing togethor working here. This company has opened our eyes to the real world a lot! I wonder when I am older if Meals-On-Wheels will be bigger, I hope it is.

5 Questions:
1. When going to college where did you picture yourself?
2. (follow up) Now working here, do you have any regrets?
3. What would you say is the most important aspect of working here?
4. How does this job make you feel, when you go to sleep at night are you content?
5. why?

My Day:
Today I wanted to bring in donuts. Does anybody out there know how many donut stores have closed, SO MANY! 2 just by my house. I didn't bring donuts :( Today went by super slow! Not really a lot to do untill we get the footage and start editing for the video. We have a senior that agreed to be on camera and get interviewed for tuesday. Today was just a really boring day. :'(


  1. it seems like you already have a strong bond with the other interns. I think this will make your internship alot more fun and productive.

  2. I'm glad you have other interns to hang out with when you get bored! Your internship sounds great.


About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
