Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internship Day 8

1. Choice A: What characteristics and qualities do you see in the people at your internship that you'd like to develop in yourself?

I feel like every single person that works here has a good heart. I know the pay is not amazing here and a lot of the people have degrees and could be getting paid better at other places but they care about the seniors. They all have realationships with at least 1 or more of them. They all work really hard because they want to help as many people as they can. When I first came here I thought well it's just food, they could do it them selves or have there family or hire somebody but I have personally seen people that have no family at all, that don't have a ton of money to pay for care, and that are all alone. They live for seeing the volinteers that are their friends now and need the food that is delivered. When I leave here I know that when I go out and look for a job it's not going to be about the money, it's going to be about what I'm passionate for and genuenlly care about.

2. Choice B: What new appreciations (for who? of what?) have you gained through internship that you did not have before? How did you develop these appreciations?

In just a week I have learned to apprieate the little things. I have heard some of the stories about how seniors were fine one day and not alive the next. But I know that those seniors died knowing that at least 1 person cared about them, the volinteer. I don't know what my life has in store for me or when it might end but it brings be comfort knowing that their are companies like this that actually care about people not money. You rarely find people like that. I have gained a new appreciation for the whole company! I plan on volinteering here once my internship is over.

My Day:
Today was a good day, I made my story board for the video. I emailed Roscoph asking to use some of his stuff too. We had a meeting today as well, it turns out St. Pauls really likes our ideas! My excitment hasn't died down at all since starting this project. I am just sad we only have 2 weeks left. I feel lile this is flying by right past me. KiKi one of the main people I work with quit last friday, her mom is dying and she wants to focus on school. I felt super bad for her. I wished her well when I lef though and there's not much else I could do. Everything went on in the office, it was as if she was never even here, I think everybody didn't want to scare us because she was a pretty important person. It's raining super hard today, I feel kind of relaxed by it though, I like hearing it the windows and the deck outside. Over all today was pretty plain.

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About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
