Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internship Day 6

1. Who I am Interviewing and Why:
I think I am going to interview Patrick. He showed me around the first couple of days and I right now I feel the closest to him out of all the other adults. When I interview him I plan on asking why he chose Meals on Wheels and How this company has impacted his life, Where he was before he got this job and if working for a non Profit has impacted his views in the world. Because I know you have to be a really caring person to work here.

2. When:
Well, I am going to go talk to him right now! :) I will ask and take notes and than type it all up when I get home tommorow or maybe later tonight.

My Day:
Today was A LOT better than yesterday! I got to present all my ideas and research from yesterday in a meeting. It was super profesional and reminded me of POL'S!It went really well though. I feel like I'm starting to fit in better and get the hang of things. I found out my final project, FINALLY! I'm planning a charity event having a doggy costume contest. It goes with the new waggin wheels program and the new website were building. I'm super excited to started. I just had lunch and almost burnt off my tounge do to way too hot pasta, but over all thats been the only down fall of today, which I guess is good. Oh and the other 2 intern's teach came. She seemed realyl sweet and I liked her black flats a lot! She got them at Forever21 I think. I left around 3. I had a dentist app. I have to wear rubber bands now -_- im bummed.

This was our first real meeting, I'm the black sleeve in the back. You can't really see me, but I owned that meeting!

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About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
