Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internship Day 1

This is an example of the dots, each color represents a route and each pin or dot represents a person.

This shocked me! This huge map is just of the metro area. There is 4 stations. There are so many dots on the map that represent people. Its crazy, there is one lady who maps out routes and puts them on a map and than in binders and gives them to the drivers to deliver the food.

This is where I will be working most of the time. I plan on staying in the building most of the time, but I will probably be going on runs every now and than and helping where ever I am needed.

This is Debbie Case, my main mentor. Our dress is pretty casual, thank god! She seems super sweet and has a good sense of humor so I'm pretty sure were going to get along great.

This is the front of my building, Meals on Wheels greater San Diego Inc. It's in Old Town, next to my FAV. Mexican restaurant Freds!


I asked how the economic problems we are facing impacted Meals On Wheels donations. What Debbie said pleasently surprised me. Because food is a "need" thing, dontations haven't faultered as much as other orginizations such as the arts. Orginizations that focus on food or shelter haven't been hit as hard, so Meals on Wheels is still thriving.

I was planning on asking if the number of meals needed were increasing or decreasing, but Debbie answered it on her own. Because of the generations, the elderly aren't focused on as much in peoples families, so there are more people getting Meals on Wheels.


Well, my meeting didn't start untill 2:00. I talked to Dawn the day before and she said I didn't have to come to school before, so I woke up around 9 and ate a bowl of Special K (with red berries.) Than I took a shower, blowdryed my hair, did my makeup and waited around for 2. I left at 1:15 out of sheer boredom and excitement to get my assignment. When I first arrived to my internship I sat down and waited. About 15 minutes later Debbie walked out and the other interns walked in. The 4 of us went into the conference room and chatted for a while, just about what the company is about and what our oppertunities were. Next, we went on a tou, I met a ton of people. I met Ashley's mom, the senior that goes to our school, she seems super sweet. Than we went back and talked in the main conference room, it was bigger. Debbie told us about different places we could work, but I got my eye set on planning a fundraiser for the yourth in San Diego. Unfortinetly, Debbie had a loss in the family so she asked I not come in till Monday, so I miss a day. But Monday we get to go on roughts and work hands on with the volinteers, to get a " better understanding of the company." I am so excited to get working and get over the begining akwardness. The other 2 interns go to international, no worries though I'll show them Media kids are way better. They both actually knew a lot of the people know so I'm sure we will be friends. I'm not really nervous about anything. I'm located in Old Town so I talked a few people in going to Freds, my FAVORITE mexican food resterant on tuesday for taco tuesday. They all seemed really welcoming. I left around 3:15ish, I was excited to call my pops and tell him about the interesting people I met and the ideas I already have for a funsraiser.

1 comment:

  1. I think your internship is very interesting, I think you will have a lot of fun!


About My Company!

Meals On Wheels is an amazing company! The main goal is to deliver healthy meals to elders unable. To some it may just seems like food, but some of our clients are all alone and us visiting them makes their life better. There are 100 to 120 volinteers a day and 19 routes to deliver meals. There are 4 places we work out of, Metro, South County, East county, and North Country.
